La caja del diablo. Comunicación audiovisual. Barcelona. 2014 |
Se dejaban arrastrar entre retorcidos senderos de arena donde los golpes lumínicos reduplicaban el asfixiante smog de la polvareda y la falta de oxígeno transformaba cansancio en inevitable suerte aliada, augurio de un devenir tan miserable como previsible. La huella reptilínea y sinuosa de los que se reconocían a gusto en el itinerario tortuoso de la letanía, abocados a transitar sempiternamente por la tierra baldía. Tan altos, tan lejanos los rayos luminosos, perdidos en el entreverado ramaje de los dedos, la diluída promesa del estío… A quiet life...
Maybe this time,
Maybe this time I’ll outwit my past
I’ll throw away the numbers, the keys
And all the cards
Maybe I can carve out a living in the cold
At the outskirts of some city
I extinguish all my recent pasts
Become another man again
And have a quiet life
A quiet life for me
A quiet life
A quiet life for me
A quiet life for someone
An acquired life for me
I lost, I ran
I started once anew
In northern grey, in drizzling rain
In salted slush and bitter hale
But the order as always merciless
It wants to see me fail
So the hunter is now the hunted
Past voices call my name
I renounce my past to live again
A quiet life
A quiet life
A quiet life for me
A quiet life for someone
An acquired life for me
I thought I have been given
Another chance again
But heaven lies as usual
I repented but in vain
It tries to cheat me out of my good aim
Take away what I never really got
My quiet life
No quiet life for me
No quiet life
No quiet life for me
A quiet life for someone
No quiet life for me"
A Quiet Life. Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld. 2013