domingo, 19 de mayo de 2024


Luc Besson. “DogMan”. 2023

“… Every day is the worst day of my life
The worst day of my life
Every day is the worst day of my life
The worst day of my life…”

“La sólida realidad de este mundo vacío, este perseguirse de formas por ser fantasmas, no dejan de ser reales. Mundo de fantasmas pero verdadero”

(Some) people ain’t no good and what is most important, never will. The big black spot spread by intoxicated and outrageous insane identities extinguish every option of humanity and prosperous existence.
Antidotes, as a helping way of life, are not based on suffering but struggling. Evil forces will never win since they are against life. They are absolutely condemned to an ostracism existence. So hold on, you will never walk alone, never.

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